Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why I Think It's Better To Be Single On Valentine's Day

     It seems to be that time of year again when flower places are actually able to make a significant amount of money and the horrible actors in the "every kiss begins with Kay" commercials get dug up from last year. 
     I remember when I was little, I used to love Valentine's Day. Every time it came around, me and the rest of the kids in my class would all go out to the store beforehand and buy candy for everyone in the class. It didn't matter if you didn't even know everyone, you still got candy from them. Valentine's Day used to be a day you came home from school with a ton of candy for no reason, and it seems like as we get older, we either grow to love or hate it. It seems like the ones that love it are the ones that have boyfriends or girlfriends, although I had a boyfriend last Valentine's Day and I still thought the holiday was pointless.
     Regardless, the point of this post isn't for me to talk about why Valentine's Day sucks. I think it's safe to assume that anyone reading this already knows why it sucks. The real point of this post is for me to point out why I think it's better to be single on Valentine's Day:

  • There's no pressure for you to buy a cheesy gift: It seems like an obligation to buy a gift for your boyfriend or girlfriend, as if to say, "Hey thanks for putting up with me, here's a completely unmemorable gift." As a girl, I think it's hard to come up with a gift for a guy on Valentine's Day. Giving a guy flowers and chocolates just seems weird and awkward.
  • There's no pressure for you to act happy/surprised when receiving said cheesy gift: Try as you might, it's really hard to act surprised when your significant other hands you a bouquet of flowers on Valentine's Day. Especially after they point out that they did it because their mom told them it would be a nice thing to do. Of course, I'm not speaking from experience or anything like that.
  • You don't have to spend money on anyone else: Treating someone you care about to dinner is a nice gesture and makes you feel good. Spending your own hard-earned money on yourself makes you feel awesome.
  • You don't have to worry about getting dumped: Just think about how much it would suck to get dumped on Valentine's Day. Now think about how that's not going to happen to you, because you're already single.
  • Instead of cuddling with another person, you can cuddle with your dog: Sure, they may have a shedding problem, they might lick you unnecessarily, and they might have a really annoying or deafening bark. But in the end, they're outrageously cute and love you unconditionally, even if you have no game. This applies to cats as well.

     If you have a significant other this Valentine's Day, good for you! If you don't, stop crying about it and telling yourself you'll be forever alone. Life goes on, and not having someone else to spend Valentine's Day with is the definition of a first world problem.


  1. Amen! For people that are currently in relationships; the other 364 days of the year matter a whole lot more.
