Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Being Yelled At About Jesus While Going To Class

     Some of the protestors/preachers/whatever you want to call them that come to Temple's campus to yell at people about controversial topics can be really entertaining. My personal favorite was the scary large black man dressed in black spikes from head to toe talking about how he only likes black men and hates every single other race, gay people, women, and something about religion, as well as making fun of people passively listening who made the mistake of not being black men. He was standing on an upside down crate outside of Barnes & Noble and shouting into a bullhorn on parent's weekend. I had the pleasure of hearing the delightful things he had to say when I was walking by with my mom, dad, and grandma. That was my grandma's first time seeing Temple.
     When I was walking to class today, I saw this average-looking, chubby, middle-aged man pacing back and forth yelling with a Southern accent about how he loves Jesus and how every apathetic college student attempting to block him out should love Jesus as much as he does. As soon as I heard him say, "God is our savior and we all should be bowing down to him" or some variation of that, that's when I tuned him out. 
     I feel like he thinks the bell tower is a gigantic cross (as I've demonstrated with my awesome MS Paint skills), he is a priest, Pollett Walk is a church, and the Temple students walking by are all willing church-goers. Really, all I was trying to do was go to class and wallow in the fact that it wasn't raining at the time. I can't imagine myself or any sane person walking by and having a sudden epiphany regarding their hidden undying love for Jesus. I also can't imagine myself thinking, "I want to be just like that guy."
     Just last week there were about four sweet-looking old guys handing out these little books. I didn't know what they were and I never take flyers or anything people are handing out. When I got to my dance class, I heard some girl say, "I saw this old man handing out journals or something so I was like 'Oh sweet, I needed a new journal!' and he cut me off and goes 'It's the New Testament.'" Yes, I was eavesdropping. We all do it.
     I find it so annoying when people stand around and bombard everyone with their efforts to convert college students to whatever religion they follow, in this instance, Christianity. It makes me feel like all Christians are like that crazy guy pacing back and forth who wastes his time preaching to people who most likely don't care. To me, it's like back-pedaling. At least he didn't have a bullhorn this time.

Original picture taken from

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