If you haven't seen this video yet, or have ever wondered how big the universe actually is in comparison to earth, it's completely mind-blowing. Do your best to ignore the unnecessarily dramatic music:
The whole reason I posted this video was not only to blow your mind but to make a point about how wrapped up people get in their own petty, first-world problems. Everyone does it, I know for a fact that I'm a huge offender. Seriously, you should see how I react if someone cuts me off while I'm driving. It's not pretty. Every now and then we need to remind ourselves that finding out the person you like doesn't feel the same about you, getting stuck behind a slow old person while you're driving, or having a ton of schoolwork are all not the end of the world. There are so many bigger problems happening on just our tiny planet alone.
Living in an urban atmosphere on a campus with over 37,000 students, I see people in a huge rush every single day on my way to class, all preoccupied with getting to wherever it is they have to go. I'm shocked I haven't seen anybody get hit by a car or a bike or something as of yet, hopefully I never do. Sometime last year I remember my brother, who also lives in Philadelphia, saying he was hit by a car while he was on his bike. As if that's not unfortunate enough, the guy who hit him drove away as if nothing had happened, not even asking if he was okay.
So, if you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut or you find that you're being consumed by your schedule or what have you, then remind yourself how microscopic you and your problems are compared to the rest of the universe. Either you'll get really bummed or things won't seem as bad, depending how you look at it.
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