Fan Pages On Facebook
I know I cannot possibly be the only person noticing the abundance of shitastic facebook fan pages lately. This is nothing new but lately, I find myself being more and more... I don't even know the word for it. Happy to be out of high school? Surprised at some of the disturbing fantasies of preteen girls? Some of them used to make me laugh, not so much anymore. Sometimes I find myself going through those websites where people (mostly butthurt 14 year old girls) can create fanpages or whatever for pure entertainment. I'm probably going to sound like a huge asshole dissecting all of these and how they piss me off in their own individual ways. Oh well.
Girl:Do you like me? Boy:No Girl:Would you cry if i died? Boy:No Girl Runs away crying Boy:I dont like you i love you i wouldnt cry if u died i would kill myself ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Well first of all, the awful grammar displayed here sure isn't helping anything. But aside from that, this is pretty fucked up. True love: being completely dependent on somebody when you're 14 years old and if that person isn't part of your life anymore, might as well just kill yourself. Yeah...
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn't a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Can you touch your brain? Teacher: No. Student: So you have no brain! Where do I even start with this one? This reasoning is absolute bullshit, but that goes without being said. I thought everyone knew by now that there is scientific evidence that humans do, in fact, have brains, but I guess I'm mistaken.
F**king Hate Mosquitos OH, DO YOU? I f**king love them, it's so pleasant being bitten by mosquitoes. Those little asterisks you put in between the "f" and "k" are also completely necessary. Oh, and you spelled "mosquitoes" wrong.
"fuck you" "fuck you too" "can i have a kiss?" "yeah" So, is this how relationships are supposed to be when you're in high school? I guess I was doing it wrong all that time!
girl: hang out tonight?
boy: i cant. im hanging out with someone else.
girl: who?
boy: the most beautiful, special, amazing girl in the world.
girl: oh
5 minutes later the doorbell rings
girl: why are you here?
boy: i told you i was coming over. Do girls actually think this shit is cute? If this scenario happened to me I would be thoroughly creeped out. You wonder why guys don't do "cute" things like this? Because it's creepy. It also makes me really sad that apparently 10,000 people like this particular fan page. Ugh.
Girls need to stop making fan pages about guys and get back in the kitchen NOW THIS IS A GROUP I CAN SUPPORT.
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