It's Been Well Over Two Weeks
I've heard so many times about that two week mark after you go away to college, when you realize that you're not just on a fun vacation, you're actually at school for a reason, and as a result, you get homesick. It's definitely hit me, minus the whole being homesick part. I hardly saw my parents when I was home anyways, and whenever we talked it was usually because we were arguing about something dumb. I do miss my parents but that's nothing a phone call can't fix and I'm not in some huge rush to go home to see them (Sorry mom!). I feel like when I go home for Thanksgiving, aside from seeing my friends, I'm going to be insanely bored and want to go back to Philadelphia. When my brother used to come home occasionally to get his car fixed or some other reason where it was absolutely necessary for him to come back, he would complain so hard within an hour of being home and I never understood why. It makes so much sense to me now. If your friends aren't around when you come home to a boring suburb, what do you do with yourself? Watch soccer moms drive around in their vans? Stare at a wall? Sit outside and watch little kids ride bikes? That sounds creepy... I wouldn't do that, for the record. The only reasons I have any
desire to go home to Wethersfield are for my mom's cooking and to cuddle with my beloved dog Madison. I wish my parents could mail that adorable white ball of fluff to me, I would be totally set. I think the fact that I'm not homesick is definitely a good indication that I chose the right college. When I checked out Temple for the first time, it was the summer before my senior year and the campus was completely deserted, yet, I knew it was the school for me. It's so cheesy but so true. Being a student here is one of the first times I actually don't feel like a black sheep. I don't want to say "fit in" because nobody here really fits in. I feel like I'm totally rambling right now which is always what happens whenever I'm writing down anything. In short, Philadelphia is my new home and I couldn't be more stoked on it if I tried.
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