Friday, November 5, 2010

First Post!

So, I figured this would be a good opportunity to explain the url/title of my blog and see where that takes me. "Ascension is ours" is a quote from the song "Puppets" by Hum. It's one of the few songs I can listen to all day on repeat and it will never get old for me. I've grown pretty obsessed with this band, which is ironic since the first time I listened to them I totally dismissed them. I wish I could go back to when I used to think that and beat myself up for it. Every time I listen to this song, I can't help but to picture myself and my best friend Kathleen listening to it on her record player on repeat in her quaint little colonial house in Old Wethersfield talking about literally everything... but mostly complaining to each other because we were such pessimists in high school. The song definitely has a negative tone to it, but I don't see it that way. I see the line "ascension is ours" in a much more positive light. From what I can make of it, it's technically talking about ascension into death or heaven or whatever. I kind of see it as more of a "the sky's the limit" ordeal. It's short, sweet, and to the point and I figured it was only fitting to name my blog after this line.

Here's the song, which I demand you listen to even if you didn't read a word in this post:

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